Saziso Phiri Saziso Phiri

Unpacking the Debate on Sault's Sold-Out Concert and the Value of Artists

In the arts ecosystem, artists are the driving force, without whom there would be no art. Many artists dedicate years to training, and rehearsing, and often engage in unpaid labour to reach where they are. Some willingly take pay cuts for the love of their craft, only to still face unwarranted accusations of greed. Have we considered the hours spent on admin, planning, and rehearsal time, factors that often go unnoticed?

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Saziso Phiri Saziso Phiri

The Rest is Yet to Come: Restoring Harmony Between Productivity and Rejuvenation

This month, I've been focusing on one of the most crucial aspects of a creative life: the delicate balance between productivity and rest. While it initially wasn't an intentional choice, but rather a necessity born out of physical exhaustion, it has reminded me of a fundamental lesson that often gets overlooked: rest is not a luxury, but an essential element of a healthy and productive creative process.

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Saziso Phiri Saziso Phiri

Blue Monday: A Portrait of Weariness and Resilience

In 1985, American artist Annie Lee (1935-2014) created a powerful painting titled "Blue Monday" that perfectly captures the essence of this day. Lee, known for her depictions of African-American life, presents a faceless woman sitting slouched on the edge of her bed, enveloped in a sea of blue. The woman's slumped posture conveys a sense of exhaustion and despair, emotions that many can relate to on Mondays.

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